Culturas de los Andes
Our Trophy Page -- Premios

A few ratings from other web sites:

"Magellan", "AOL" Reviews
give us 4 Stars, saying:
"Quite an interesting site from Russ and Ada Gibbons ...
A bigger plus: it appears to be here strictly for the pleasure of it."
... "this site provides a welcoming introduction to the region."
Excite Reviews list us as a "must see" site.
"El Directorio de Peruanos en el Web"
Says: "Cultures of the Andes ... Gotta visit !!! "
"iGUIDE" net reviews says:
"You'll get a great feel for the culture of South America's Andes...
Don't overlook the pictures and
sound files of some native songs."
They gave us 3 stars,
(their highest rating in for Peruvian, Ecuadorian or Bolivian web site).
"Teachers' Web" says:
Very cool if you're looking for something direct and easy to access
on the Andes region. Great photos and lots of them.
"Wayanay Inka" web site says:
Ada and Russ Gibbons' Cultures of the Andes should be your primary source
for a virtual guided tour of the Andes.
This site is a work of love and dedication.
"Vision Andina" web site:
an excellent and very comprehensive Andean Links site
for information on Andean cultures and music.

Comments in English
Comments about our Quechua Lesson on CD & Audio Tape
Comentarios en Español

Comments in English
Sometimes its hard to keep up with the work of maintaining a web page,
We'd like to thank the people below, who took the time to send us email,
and encourage us to keep up the work.
Robert from the UK:
I have just been looking at your splendid sight, and wanted to say thanks!
Keep up the splendid work!
Roger from Oregon:
I just happened on your web page. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the
effort to put it together.
Jose from Chile:
Thank you for sharing not only a little of our Andean culture, but also
your family.
Michael from Uoknor:
Your Quechua page is very helpful...Thanks!
Sarah from Eendicott:
I have been searching forever to find more books on the language of
my ancestors. I have
always wanted to get back in touch with my traditional culture. I want to
say thank you for making the original language available to me.
Charles says:
I have long enjoyed your music on the Net.
Micheal says:
Greetings from California/USA.
I very much enjoyed your web page
Hernan says:
I have enjoyed you quechua page.
Michele from Springfield, MO:
Hi, thank you for the wonderful web page.
Carmine from Potenza, Italy:
Thanks! and... Tupananchiskama!
Daniel from ASU:
I am a Peruvian now living in the US,
I would like to commend you on your excellent web page.
Gilver from Texas:
Exellent pictures of Peru!!!. I Would like to use your Cusco's pictures in
class presentation. at the Texas A&M
University. Tu nuevo amigo:
Serafin from Pennsilvania:
I recently was quite excited to find your homepage on WWW.
Ancha kuyayniywan
Ceci from AOL:
I can't believe I actually found you. Great site! I've been looking for a
way to learn Quechua for awhile. Not something commonly offered at most
language places!
Alex from Santa Clara, CA:
Liked your web site. Enjoyed your jokes/stories. Wish you had more!
In all it's extremely complete and you've seemed to have written forever
to really good effects. Really enjoyed your pictures of Peru
Rose from AOL:
I liked your homepage a lot. Especially the quechua songs.
Colin says:
cudos!!! what a wonderful, funny and entertaining page. great work!!!!
Laila from Norway:
I love your page. It is the best at the web. I see the
conture of what you are building, it will be great!!
I LOVE AND RESPECT all the work you have
done to your site, its simply marvelous, why didn't I think of that idea
first?, I am your forever visitor
McWhiggle from Australia:
Great Home Page!!!!!
I really like your home page. Well done!! It is such an informative
treasure of information for me.
Heide from Hannover, Germany:
Thank you for your interesting work about quechua, it will help me a lot
learning it... :-))
Jan, returning from a trek along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu:
Very much enjoyed your Web Page... your
photos brought back wonderful memories.
Thanks - will visit the page again.
Phil from USA:
Thank you for a wonderful page. Our daughter is in language training in Arequipa.
This page brought her world-to-be
closer to us. Thank you so much for your hard work on this fantastic
trip to the Andes.
Diane from USA:
I can't tell you how excited we were to find your web page.
Tom from Roosevelt, UT:
my complements on the Web Page - I found it to
be extremely interesting and well down. Keep up the good work!
Juan from Cornell University:
I just found this web site and could not believe my eyes... this is great!!
Again yuspagarasunkichis
Kevin from UCSB:
you have done a great job on your web page!
Alexander from Korea:
so far the best thing I have found on the net is your
Quechua grammar. I was very happy to find your listing:
thank you very much!
Mario, who wants to go trekking in Peru:
I just have to say how wonderful your website is. I shall use your
site to learn some Quechua
Richard from Bolivia:
It is really great to find something about our great culture in the web, and
the magnificent work you're doing by broadcasting such invaluable
David from Texas:
Your Andean Links page is a very well done site
Dave from Lincoln Nebraska:
Great Page!!! I was thrilled to find your page. Lyrics in quechua can
be hard to find, believe me, you are providing a great service. I just
felt compelled to express my gratitude for you making this all available.
Anika in the US:
I have browsed your site numerous times and have become friends
with another Kichua speaker thanks to your website.
Now, I am thinking of travelling the country to document the festivals
that have an Andean theme
Yvonne from Brisbane Australia:
Your page was terrific! many photographs showing a cross section of
the culture and life in the Andes. I am so grateful ....
I was also impressed with the professionalism of your web site
Steve, USA:
Thank you for the lovely web page.
Shelley, USA:
It was nice to look through your web site. I am leaving to Ecuador
to teach in a school outside of Quito. Your site
provided good images and information.
Mike, Canton Ohio:
Enjoy your site. I teach 7th grade Spanish...I bookmarked
your great site...for my classes internet access.
What a great website! I am researching Andean
folklore for an upcoming production for the Discovery Channel.
Thanks so much!
Marcelo, from Chicago IL:
GREAT JOB... I'm from Ecuador, I saw your WEB page it's great.
Genie from California:
I must write & thank you & your husband for your websit. You made my day!!
I had searched for Quechua, a language I had yearned to learn for years,... and
There you were! I offer a warm hearted Thankyou, "yusulpayki"
Celinda, from Peru
Congratulations for the page in the Internet, I really like all the pictures
of Cuzco in Peru and the work you have done.
Steve, USA:
I have visited your site many times, but only recently took the time
to see the words behind some of your songs. The words are very touching.
Paul from Canada:
I enjoy your website and admire the work you have done. It's clear
you take great joy in it.
Frank, a Peruvian says:
I liked your homepage. Congratulations for having a well made and
efficient homepage.
Louis from Los Kogi:
Congratulations on an excellent site.
Jane says:
I loved finding your webpage and it is one of my few bookmarks! thanks for
your efforts.
Alex says:
your photos are well done on such a good set of pages,
they have given me a much deeper
appreciation of South American culture.
Meg says:
Your web site has made me very happy today. It's the first time I've
found something close to my heart on the web; thank you for providing so
many links.
Marcelo, an Ecuadorian:
I am very happy I found your web site and I can't believe how wonderful it is. I have
been looking for something like this for a long time.
I am very excited to learn from your valuable information.
Rick of IBM:
We think your website is exciting, innovative, and
Keith from Sweeden:
I want to thank you so very much for a clear,
easily understood and accessed site. Thank you for the Quechua.
Diana from New York:
You have a wonderful web site. I will be visiting the andes;
Your web site has boosted my excitement.
Jazmin from New York:
I was so impressed when I saw
your page on the web. Your photos are so nice!!!
Bill from England:
I found your translation of Luke's Gospel into Quechua on the Internet,
and was delighted.
Kristofer from Sweden:
I am doing a project about Andean music in school. I have had a lot of help
from your site and the sites you are linking to.
I like your music very much.
Maria from Ireland:
Your section with Quechuan pronunciations is wonderfull. Your page is great.
Enjoyed Your Webpage...
My sons and I have had lots of fun getting to know you!
I plan to bring the boys to visit Peru some day.
Thank you so much for your electronic hospitality!
Mark from Texas:
It is so rare that one comes across such a thorough web page. I thank
you for putting so much information in such an efficient format, with
multilingual translations for everything. This is one of the best
overall sites that I have come across on the web.
Roberto from Peru:
thank you for doing a page about Quechua and about LOS ANDES.
I had learned to speak a little quechua. I suprised
my father when I spoked to him in Quechua.
Miguel from Los Angeles, CA:
Very nice web site, good photos.
Jerry from Phoenix Az :
thank you for your site. Your short stories and jokes make good
translation work and pleasant reading .
Bette from Montana:
I have your site bookmarked and continue to enjoy it .
Erika, Switzerland:
I have seen your photos and read your songs with a great pleasure.
Margarita from Cochabamba, Bolivia:
Thank you for sharing your stories of your childhood in the Andes. They
were very moving and very beautiful .
Gail, Massachusetts:
I really enjoyed your web page - lots of interesting
cultural info. and great photos.
Your web page is great wealth of information ...
I am glad the andean culture is on the web.
Sara, at the Andean Rural Health Care organization in Bolivia:
Congratulations on your web sight. I have really enjoyed looking at your
web page, especially the stories.
Thanks for helping inform the world about Andean culture.
Sean from Sacramento California:
I just viewed your web page and I must say i was very impressed. I am
printing one of the short sories right now.
Michelle, Mojave Desert Califronia:
I was doing a search for sites related to the Andes
and came across yours. I think it is very nice and just thought I would let
you know! Your pictures are filled with love. I hope to someday see the beautiful Andes with my
husband. God bless you. :-)
Arlo in New York:
I have looked over your Andes website, it is excellent, very well done.
Maxx from Roanoke:
I would like to thank you for providing such a great web site
You have provided me with so much information
that I have been searching for ... Now I
am glad to say that I have a better understanding of the Quechuan culture
and I felt it was necessary to thank you.
Jean-Yves, Candada:
Your photos of Bolivian and Peru Andes are wonderful !
Takaoki, Japan:
Your Quechua Jokes page is very fascinating!! Can I translate these jokes in Japanese with a link to
your web site?
Congratulations on a wonderful web page about the Andes.
Haritha from India:
Its a very entertaining website! I liked the photos section the best.
Apollo from Ecuador:
We enjoyed your web site! Great Pictures!
Jeff from Florida:
My boy Ryan was looking for information about the Andes when we stumbled
across your web pages. Thanks for sharing with us! You helped us connect
to the people of the mountains
Charlie, in Alabama:
Thank you for your web site, and links. I have just recently become aware of Quechua
people, and culture and am now fascinated with Peru and people of the High
Andes. I love the music of Peru. It's become the only music I listen to.
Brian, North American Photographer:
Thank you for your beautiful music.
I have been listening to your songs Intiq Churin and Medley everyday for several
days and I cannot stop listening. You have a beautiful voice.
Angie from Australia:
I am doing an assingment on the Quechua people in Peru. I just like to
say thanks for the Info about the Quechua and all the poems, I think you
belong to a great culture!! Keep up the good work!! Thanks!
David & Judith, Houston Texas:
You two maintain an excellent web page. It is pleasing to the eye, easy
to use, quick to download, and full of neat information: the kind of
cultural jems you cannot usually find if you do not live in the Andes. I
am in admiration of your work. Thank you very much.
Lenny, Florida:
I have just listened to your song "Intiq Churin." It is among the most beautiful melodies I
have ever heard. I do not under the words, but I understand the music.
It is a sincere, heart-felt music that strikes the human emotions deeply.
Karin, Virginia:
Your site is excellent, and a life-saver. I am leaving to
lead a National Geographic expedition to follow the Royal Inca Highway
from Quito to Santiago (six months), and your website is the best Quechua
resource I have found to date. Please send me your CD.
Loyal, Texas:
I do want to say thanks for what you are doing for the interenet community in
sharing the andrean cultures. When I find a site like yours I get a taste of a different
part of the world that God created. So thanks for what you are doing.
Ulla from Finland:
It is nice to listen to your beautiful songs.
Kyla, USA:
Hi thank you for this great page. I was doing a school project on the
Incas and I got so much Information. Thank You!!!!
Ps. the picture I enjoyed the most was the one with you in it and the Inca
city with the mountain in the background.
Joan from Canada:
Hi Ada and Russ - thank you very much for creating that wonderful web page!
I have an 8 year old daughter I adopted, as an infant, from Peru and we take
every opportunity to learn about her native land.
R. Avant:
We really like your web page. We are planning a trip to Cusco and have used your web page for the quechua... My father is
originally from Cusco and we are planning a trip on horseback
to his father's farm... he hasn't been back there in ages.. over 50
thanks again for your wonderful web page.
Hi,(Imaynallan Kashkanki). I'm glad to write to
you to congratulate you on the job you have done with you homepage,
which shows and teaches people around the globe how Native South
American culture is and their Quechua language.
Jose, Texas:
I visited you page and it was a wonderful experience. We are studying Perú
and your page have been our main resource for finding updated information.
Thanks for your cultural input.
I found your site. In my opinion it's amazing.
Tho I ain't a big fan of Andean Culture I have to say that I sure like
it and your page is one of the best I've seen. I have a question.
Jan, Norway:
We have seen, admired and devoured the pages you have been building on the
Andean Cultures. It seems to me a work of art, dedication, 'sabiduría' and
pacience and we hope that by expressing our congratulations we will
stimulate you to go on with it, maintaining it and improving it.
Dennis, Washington State:
I really enjoyed your Luke parallel translation. Thank you, that was great.
David, USA:
I really enjoyed your very comprehensive web site on the Andes.
Debbie, California:
Would you mind if
I add a link to you're Andes page on my homepage? It is such a
wonderful site. I love the first song you have on there.
The Mitchells, USA:
Wonderful website! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to view your web page. My hubby and I
adopted our daughter from Bolivia. Seeing the photos at your site reminded me of the breathtaking
beauty of the mountains and architectural sites we saw and all the
wonderful people we met while in South America....your site was great for us.

Comments about our Quechua Lesson on CD & Audio Tape
Chris from Little Rock AR:
Thanks for the tape and lessons. I have listened to most of it
several times and have been studying hard.
All-in-all I think you did a great job.
June from Washington State:
Sumacc P'unchay, Dios Pagayarasunki
I ordered your book and tape for learning Quechua. I've just married a
Quechua speaking man. He had looked at some of the other
materials I bought and thought they weren't very good, but he really liked
your materials so now I'm beginning to study hard.
Ada, thank you for providing an Andean/Quechua Internet link, and thank you
for developing some decent materials, especially the tape. Please let me know
of anything new you develop. Of course I'll be watching your website!
Liz from Oregon, USA:
Thank you! for your Quechua tape. I must
admit that I am driving everyone around me crazy with Quechua! I play the
tape whenever I am in my car and submit everyone with me to
Quechua, too; my children and their
friends are also learning!
Sharon from the US:
Thank you for sending the tape and printed material. They are excellent.
I am so pleased you have made it available.
More info about our CD & Audio Tape (Grabacion en Cinta y CD) in Quechua.

Comentarios en Español
Jimmy de Prodigy:
Gracias para las chistes
Jorge de Chile:
Hola Ada, soy un permanente visitante de tu pagina.
Erwin says:
saludos desde Los Angeles,
muy cool!!!
Antonio de España:
muchas gracias. Guardare su WEB en mis bookmarks.
Jessy de Prodigy:
Hola. Cuanto placer me da encontrales!
Pedro de Chile:
Acabo de estar en la pagina que tiene el evangelio de Lucas en Quechua.
Felicidades por este logro.
Franklin de Canada:
tus fotos, poemas y canciones en tus paginas son muy bonitas
Allimnanchu mamay!
Alfredo de Australia:
Mis felicitaciones por el excelente trabajo en la elaboración de la
página Andes. Muy práctica, objetiva y precisa; fácil de explorar.
Isabela de AOL:
Te felicito por tu Web site, esta interesante y
variado.... por lo importante que es tu Web site en la divulgacion
mundial sobre nuestra maravillosa cultura Andina.
Kari de Finlandia:
Saludos desde Finlandia! Quiero agradecerles por toda la alegria y satisfacción que sus
cursos de quechua me han dado, las paginas de Cultura Andina, tienen mucho valor!
Giovanni, un Boliviano:
Me emocionó mucho visitar su página en le internet. Muy nutrida de
importante información y variedad.
Victor de Cochabamba, Bolivia:
Mucho gusto en conocer y felicidades con la excelente iniciativa y buena
ejecución del Quechua-Site.
Guadalupe, de EEUU:
Poemas bellos!!! .... felicitaciones por toda la gran inspiracion que nos da sus
Raul, "Un Cholo de corazon enclavado en California":
I only have a deep gratitude for taking your time on this "proyecto".
Muchisisimas gracias otra vez
Romulo de Los Angeles, EEUU:
Te cuento que tu musica, tus fotos,
poemas, clases de Runa Simi, etc en la internet nos deleita mucho, y
por su puesto lo tenemos en mi seccion de favoritos
Jose del Cuzco Perú:
mis felicitaciones por esas hermosas fotos y sus estudios del quechua.
Tito de Arequipa Perú:
Sus fotos, poemas, y musica me trajeron unas memorias lindas.
Raul, de netcom:
Al revisar las
paginas de su WebSite (excelentemente
detalladas) es cuando me duele recordar que se me nego la oportunidad ,
que con mucho derecho me correspondia haber sido expuesto a mi idioma
natal, Quechua.
... me queda mas que profundamente
agradecer a quien corresponda por la paciencia puesta en esta noble
empresa. Espero
mediante las mismas iluminar mi camino, absorviendo todo el conocimiento
que talvez
se me robo por razones que no me tocan a mi juzgar. Se siente emoción al
algo que quizas sea lo unico verdadero, ojala mi esfuerzo no sea
en vano. Miles de gracias, que aquel ente que sea de su devocion los proteja.
Emma de Palo Alto CA, (y de Patagonia):
Hermosa sorpresa encontrarme con la pagina de Uds
Vicente de New York, (y de Qosqo):
Es interesante encontrar paginas como la suya...
Felicitaciones y ojala mantengan siempre esas ganas por promocionar los
Andes y su cultura.
Gilles de Francia:
su sitio WEB es muy bonito
Fabiola desde Maracaibo, Venezuela:
en realidad me parece muy alentadora para la
gente que hoy en día alaba lo extranjero y desprecia los frutos que le da
su suelo, sus raíces. Esto nos sirve para darnos cuenta que no solo somos
imitadores sino también en algún momento creadores.
David, puertorriqueno:
tu homepage es muy bueno y educativo,
me intereso mucho por la cultura y musica .
Maravilloso haber encontrado una página web en el ciberespacio donde se
puede encontrar todo lo que ofrecen. Con un hálito de nostalgia
he escuchado esos preciosos huaynos
tambobambinos y cusqueños que me han hecho rememorar pasadas tertulias con
familiares idos. ¿Cúan preciosas y admiradas son nuestras canciones y
nuestra lengua quechua sin igual para expresar sentires del corazón?.
¡Bravo por llevar tan lejos nuestras expresiones culturales y
mostrarlas al mundo!
Visitare siempre vuestra página y rodeado de amigos para enseñar
nuestra bella música y nuestro dulce idioma.
Christian, un Chileno en Canada:
Que linda página que tienes sobre Los Andes.
Serafin, Pennsylvania:
Dicho sea de paso que tú página es una de las mas importantes y
bien elaboradas sobre el quechua hasta el momento .
Me ha gustado mucho su web page. Voy a usar
algunas de las fotos como wall paper. Me ha gustado la pequena historia de
Ada cuando era niña..
Un orgullo haber podido visitar su página. Gracias por exponer lo nuestro a
nivel mundial.
Thierry, de Francia:
vuestro sitio en internet es un sitio muy rico !!! Mushas gracias.
Artiom de Moscú Russia:
Muchissimas gracias por su página electronica dedicada a region andino.
Frecuentamente la visito y siempre encuentro alguno lo que es nuevo para
mi. Tengo interes a música de los Andes, en historia y cultura tambíen.
Gracias por su trabajo y que siguen este rumbo!
Gomero, Peru:
encontre su maravillosa WEB page,
talvez, es una de las mejores que he encontrado hasta ahora, uno por su
sencillez y los demas por presentar temas y canciones que solo uno anora cada dia.
...Una vez mas, reitero mis felicitaciones y ojala continue exponiendo al
mundo, la tierra de nuestros ancestros, los Andes.
Luis, Chihuahua Mexico:
su página me parece excelente y ojalá sigan con este excelente trabajo.
... con aprecio, espero sigan incluyendo autenticas canciones andinas.
Que grandeza de voz y baile le agradezco por su musica y baile.
de esta manera quiero felicitarla por tener algo autoctono de nuestras raices.
Otto, Suecia:
Nuestra mas sincera felicitación por su página!, está muy interesante!!!.
nos gustaría incorporar un link en nuestra página web para que otras personas también puedan apreciarla!!!!!
Jorge, España:
Yo soy de los andes, hablo quechua, Vivimos en Barcelona hace ya 6 años. Somos de un
pueblo de Ayacucho. He visto tu web, está muy bién, me ha gustado mucho, por
eso te ofresco mi amistad. Desde ahora los considero hermano i hermana de
R. Mathura, Ayacuchano, Perú:
Mi siento tan orgullosa de tanta belleza naturaleza...todas de mi pais.,Y mi
saludo especial a todos uds. seres de luz que han hecho el esfuerso para
publicar esta maravilla de nuestro paiz,...Realmente
estoy emosionada...Muchicimas gracias ,ronakona ama gella, ama zua,
ama yulla ...disculpa por ortugragia.
Peluka, Uruguayo:
Exelente la pagina, soy un admirador de la musica andina...Buscando en el net me eh
encontrado con vuestra pagina..gracias por su colaboracion por
contribuir a difundir tan rica musica.
Claudia, La Paz Bolivia:
Realmente estoy muy impresionada por el trabajo que le han puesto a su
pagina,... Mi papa es Cochabambino y por ese motivo mi interes es en el
Victoria de Ayacucho:
Con todo el respeto que ustedes se merecen quiero saludarles muy
cordialmente. Al navegar por el internet encontre su linda pagina y me
llamo una enorme curiosidad por nuestro idioma quechua y sobre todo por
nuestra musica andina. Permitame felicitarles muy efusivamente por esta
enorme tarea, voluntad y esfuerzo en difundir nuestros valores culturales
a lo largo del mundo entero atravez del internet.
Joyce, Minnesota, EE.UU.:
tuve que decirles gracias por la
experiencia que ustedes nos han dado a mí y a mis estudiantes de español. Disfruté de las canciones, las
fotos, las lecciones quechua. Mañana vamos a
disfrutar por computadora de toda la página suya. Será más divertida que
nunca. Ojalá que unos de mis estudiantes que están interesados en Habitat
for Humanity vayan a investigar más oportunidades en la región andina. Dios les bendiga.
Otto de Suecia:
Nuestra mas sincera felicitación por su página!, está muy interesante!!!
Ismael, Puerto Rico:
su pagina electronica me
encanto, la musica, la traduccion todo, desde pequeño siempre me a
interesado la musica andina y le escribo estas lineas
para agradecerle la tan magnifica pagina que usted tiene
Robert, Texas:
He visitado su pagina. Quede impresionado de encontrarlo.
Leer y escuchar la musica fue un placer muy especial. Hace tiempo, desde
que era niño escucho esta musica y admiro la cultura Inca
Andres, Chileno en San Diego:
Quiero felicitarlos
por su increible trabajo en el web-site que tienen. Es hermoso ver como
las culturas pueden mantener su vitalidad y expresion a traves de
personas como ustedes que sirven de canales que fluyen en el tiempo.
Me interesa saber si tienen algo grabado de su trabajo musical para
Valeria, Argentina:
Estas pequeñas lineas son para felicitarlos por esta pagina de lecciones de
Quechua. Es muy interesante y esta muy completa.
Me intereso mucho y desde ya les digo que me voy a poner a estudiar algo,
ya que me atrapo bastante.
Desde aqui les mando cariños y mucha suerte con esta labor
Inkary, from New Jersey:
Lindas canciones hermanos. Unsaludo y agradecimiento por estar en la
internet y escucharlos cuando pueda.
Francisco, Ecuatoriano :
Es mi primera vez que descubri esta pagina tan hermosa como es la vida
de nuestros Indigenas la vida nuestra la vida de nuestros Padres

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Last updated Mar 15, 2004,
All Rights Reserved -- Todos los Derechos Reservados.